New Video! Collaboration with Kathryn Morgan

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Hello friends!

Yesterday we published an exciting video collaboration with former New York City Ballet soloist and fellow YouTuber, Kathryn Morgan! If you're aren't familiar with Kathryn's channel and/or her career, you should definitely take some time to explore her videos where she talks about her illness that led to her leaving her position with NYCB. It's a heartbreaking story, but she's making the most of the situation by sharing her experience and knowledge of professional ballet to aspiring dancers in her YouTube videos.

I was in New York City last week so Kathryn and I met up to film a video together and chat about all things ballet and YouTube! It was great to talk to someone else in this niche! We filmed ourselves talking about confidence in ballet class, as that's something we've both dealt with in varying levels and it's something I think every dancer deals with. We went over things like body issues, difficult steps, and "off days". It's a great discussion and I think it helped me, personally, getting to talk those things out with her!

After we filmed we went for dinner and dessert at Cafe Lalo - the charming cafe from the movie You've Got Mail. :)

It was a super fun evening and I wish Abby could have been there with us! Maybe one day?? Check out the video below and subscribe to both of our channels if you haven't already!

- Jana


Anja said...

Two of my favourites in one video! Looks like you had a blast, so I hope you'll make more videos some time in the future. Anyway, thank you for great tips, especially the one about focusing on things we did well after a particularly bad classs. I think that all of us often get self-conscious in class, thinking that everyone is paying as much attention to us as we do ourselves and forgetting that they are most likely just preoccupied with their own flaws and issues.

Ballerinas By Night said...

You are so right, Anja! I'm glad you enjoyed this collaboration!

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