Warm Up Pants from Target

Monday, March 2, 2015

I'm back again with another dancewear recommendation!

I was browsing the activewear section at Target last month when I spotted a pair of pants that looked perfect for warming up in ballet class. So I bought them and figured they would end up as yet another unused Target purchase, but no! They feel a little...okay a lot like wind pants from the 90s, but who cares? They are so useful!

They are the C9 by Champion Women's Woven Pant. Reasons they are awesome for ballet class:

  • They are loose so I can easily get them on and off over my tights
  • They have a drawstring waist
  • They are lightweight
  • They have elastic and zippers at the ankles!

That last bullet point is what is really great about them. The elastic around the ankles keeps the pants out of the way of your feet. When you start to get warm, the elastic allows you to pull them up to knee height (or wherever)! This is where the zipper is super handy because when you close the zipper all the way at knee height, they don't fall down your legs as you move! Woo hoo!! And though they look like early 90s wind pants, they don't make the swishing noise! :)

Snag them at your local Target or online here!

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1 comment

Groomy said...

These pants seem to be super comfortable. Elastic and zipper at the ankles are obviously a unique feature. I am planning to buy leggings and jerseys for this arriving new season. Actually shorts and tank tops give little goose bumps in breezy mornings. Please suggest some budgeted stores providing branded styles.

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