First Month of Ballet Goals Planning!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

We're one month into 2019 (this was the longest year month, wasn't it?!). I've been using my Ballet Goals Planner that Abby created to share with all of you and I wanted to share my thoughts on it this far in!

First of all, I love writing things on paper, so I sent my PDF off to Kinkos and had it printed and three ring hole punched and then put it in a pretty pink binder! :) I find I'm more motivated to keep up with things if it's aesthetically pleasing to look at!

When I started to fill out my goals for the year I realized how helpful this was going to be to prep me for a week-long adult workshop I'm signed up for in June! I'm concerned about having enough strength and stamina to last the entire week (and I want to be able to do pointe work!), so breaking down the process of building that up will help me focus on the short term goals instead of in May all of a sudden trying to fit in 5 classes a week and hoping for the best haha.

For the weekly notes I have found it extremely beneficial to have written down what classes I took and the corrections I got. Life is busy and my memory is shot these days, so I make a point to write this stuff down as soon as I get home from class or a workout. Also, I'm much more likely to remember something if I've taken the time to write it down, so writing down corrections has helped me remember to carry them over into my next class. Seriously, my brain has been so jumbled the past few years I just don't even think about working on previous corrections!! It's going to take me forever to improve if I don't start implementing those! :)

I love that Abby has included conditioning into the weekly report because I need to start doing more of that. Right now I'm lucky to fit in one day of conditioning, but this month I need to start consistently adding that in in order to get me where I want to be in June!

And finally, going back to the end of the year goals sheet at the front of the planner - I have yet to fill out goals past six months. I'm not sure what I want those to be yet and that's okay. I'm focused on my six months goals, which mostly consists of just trying not to get injured! I will re-evaluate in June after the workshop to see where I'm at then!

If you haven't started your goals planner yet, I would suggest starting now! You can download it here, and you can watch Abby talk about the whys and hows of the planner in this video!

Happy dancing, friends!!!

1 comment

Ashley Renee said...

Thanks so much for creating this! Although I just started an adult beginners class I'm already making goals for my conditioning for the year due to this planner. I would love to see this go out at the beginning of every year.

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