Fall Dancewear Wish List

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

With a new season approaching I'm looking to add a little something new to my dancewear collection. Just the other day I received Discount Dance's fancy catalog full of photos from the new Mariia leotard collection. There were a few I had my eye on, which of course turned into a two hour browsing session of leos, skirts, shoes, warmups, & tights on discountdance.com...I know you guys know how that goes! :)

Here are the items I have my eye on...
1. Mariia "Svetlana" 3/4 Sleeve Leo in Black/Orchid  |  2. Mariia "Oksana" Pinch Front Tank Leo in Royal/Light Blue  |  3. M. Stevens Chiffon Wrap Skirt in Black  |  4. Capezio Adult Classic Knits Jumpsuit in Black  |  5. Body Wrappers Adult TotalSTRETCH Mesh Back Seam Convertible Tight in Ballet Pink  |  6. Wear Moi "Carmen" Wrap Sweater in Salmon  |  7. Mariia "Tatiana" Cap Sleeve Leo in Navy/Fuschia

The new Mariia leotard collection seems to be following along the Yumiko signature look, but without the price tag (and the customization). I love that they offer XL sizes for us curvy girls! Has anyone tried these yet and have thoughts on them?

I go back and forth about wearing skirts. Sometimes I feel bigger wearing a skirt, but other times I think it could flatter my hip/thigh area if I could find one with the right shape and length. This M. Stevens wrap skirt is 14" in the front and 17" in the back so I think it could be perfect...I also love that the ties are satin to show off the waistline. If it's the right length I may even buy it in a color! Gasp!

Of course with cold weather approaching I have to start thinking about how I'm going to keep my body warm during most of barre. I love this Capezio jumpsuit because it's just one big layer of coziness. I imagine I could wear this lounging at home :) I always like the look of warm up jumpsuits but I've never tried one myself. I'd like to give it a try! But the Wear Moi wrap sweater I know would be flattering on me and would be great to wear over tank leotards when I'm feeling self-conscious about my arms. I feel like it's a classic ballerina look and I don't know why I haven't purchased one before!

And finally, most of you will be surprised to find pink tights on this list as I'm most definitely a black tights gal, but I do love to occasionally wear the classic pink tights and black leo. If I'm in a ballet funk, wearing this to class makes me feel like a proper ballerina and it gives me that boost to work harder. I chose these Body Wrappers mesh tights because I recently photographed a ballerina wearing these tights and I loved the color and overall appearance of them. I don't usually wear mesh tights, so for the sake of trying something new, these appealed to me!

What's currently on your dancewear wish list? If you have any of the items I've listed and want to share a review of them in the comments I would love that!

Hope you're having a great week!
- Jana

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Discount Online Dance said...

It is really a helpful blog to find some different source to add my knowledge. I came into aware of the new professional blog and I am impressed with the suggestions of the author. ballet leotards for women

Edward Thomas said...

If at all possible, dancers should try on leotards. Putting on a leotard, scrutinising it in the mirror for a long time, and moving about to verify the fit are the best ways to ensure that it fits properly. I always go for Tiger Friday Leotards since they have the right fit for me after trying on a few different styles and sizes.

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